Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Today's Lesson

In today's lesson I am going to begin drafting my digipak and creating questionnaires with regards to font etc.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Results At Last!

My cousin David got back to me today about filming at Guild Hall. He has got it booked for the 6th December from 1pm-4pm. This is a massive relief as I was starting to worry when I would actually get to film the piano and miming section of my video. He has some lights so he is going to fetch them with him and I have informed him on what he needs to wear. Fortunately, David is a Billy Joel fan so he knows how to play She's Always A Woman and the lyrics.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Columbia Records - No Reply

It has been almost a month since I e-mailed Columbia Records asking for permission to use She's Always A Woman by Billy Joel for my music video. I have not received a reply so I am going to go ahead and use the song anyway. As I will only be using it for educational purposes I can't see there being a problem with this.

Things To Do

I need to get these things done by 11th December:

  • Storyboards
  • Two different drafts of my Digipak front and back cover
  • One draft of the digipak insert
  • A draft of my website - With necessary research
  • Plans and outlines of film and shoot days
  • Still/screenshots of filming and photography (for digipak and website)

Thursday, 22 November 2012

E-mail To Ellie and Jack

Here is a copy of the e-mail I sent to a couple of people about being in my video.

As you both probably already know, I am making a music video for my A Level Media coursework and wanted to know if you would be willing to be in it.
I need to be able to show a couple holding hands walking down a street and kissing, so you two were my first choice with you already being in a relationship (it would avoid any awkwardness haha).
You don’t need to act for the camera as such because the video is supposed to be in the style of home-movies so pretending the camera isn’t there would have the better effect and I would only need to film you for 20/30 seconds at the most.
I don’t want you to feel pressured into doing it so please be honest if you would rather not but I would be very grateful for the help!
Let me know your decision.


They both replied saying that they would be in my video! I'm going to organise a couple of hours with them to film this section of my video in the next few days while I am waiting for David to sort Guild Hall.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

E-mailing Students

Today I am going to e-mail a few students who I think might be willing to take part in my music video. I want to be able to film a couple holding hands/kissing etc and then a group of friends sat round talking so hopefully the students will agree to being filmed for the video.


Monday, 19 November 2012

Filming At Guild Hall

I have spoke to my cousin this weekend and we are looking at arranging to use Guild Hall's facilities for sometime between the 26th-30th November. He has said to leave to him to sort it with them as I can be free anytime whereas he has his work schedule to fit it around.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Guild Hall

As of yet, David has not heard back from Guild Hall yet about a day I would be able to film there. So whilst I wait I am finishing off my storyboard and enquiring about other people who would be willing to be in my video.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Potential Location

I spoke to my cousin David on the phone last night to ask him whether he would be willing to be in my music video. As he sings and plays the piano for a living I thought he would be an ideal choice. He agreed to be in the video. We spoke about whether the song would best be suited to someone playing a keyboard or a grand piano and came to the conclusion that a piano was probably more suitable. The problem arose however that a grand piano isn't the easiest of instruments to get hold of let alone move to an ideal location. But then David said how he performs quite regularly at Guild Hall in Hull and he said he would get in touch with them and see about me possibly being able to use their grand piano and actually film in Guild Hall. Hopefully he'll be able to pull this off as it would be a great location to film the piano/singing shots for my video.